October 2024
Progress update! This summer we hosted the SEB who carried out some essential on site works to bury our overhead electric cables. So during the summer while the ground water levels were low enough to do the works safely they buried all the necessary cables allowing us to now look towards our future projects, the hub and the lake!

![AdventurePlus-1-2-1-Weekend-[18-05-2024]-[L]-[Colour]-151 Shower facilities](https://www.adventureplus.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/AdventurePlus-1-2-1-Weekend-18-05-2024-L-Colour-151-scaled.avif)
November 2023
This month has seen some impressive conservation efforts on site! Working on maintaining and restoring hedgerows on site. We had a team from MEB architects on site, enjoying a team-building day and getting stuck in with the conservation efforts.

September 2023
Works are now complete on the fantastic new shower and WC facilities. This new block also features a drying room for kit and equipment and an open-sided washing-up area for use by our campers. These fantastic new facilities will serve those staying in our Timber Yurts and cabins and those on the camping field for years to come! We also have a fully accessible shower room with a full body adult hoist so Adventure Plus can serve everyone.

August 2023
Jazz Celebration! We hosted a Jazz night in our beautiful Marquee on site to officially cut the ribbon on our shower and WC facilities. The event was a big success and has helped us fundraise towards the final invoices for new building.

June 2023
Work continues on the new shower and WC block. The building is being clad in timber and the fittings are going up internally. The team have been enjoying the drier weather for this work. With a custom-built and designed interior, this shower and WC block is set to be a real asset to the Adventure Base.

May 2023
Progress update! Swift progress over the last two months! Our new shower and WC block is now in situ, roof on and plumbing going in. Our team have been working really hard on making these facilities a real asset to the Base. The plans include a fully accessible shower with a hoist system! We are excited to be able to extend our provision to those with more profound needs.

March 2023
Progress update! Exciting times on the Adventure Base in March! Work has begun on our specialist shower block. Designed with the highest levels of accessibility in mind our custom shower block will really enhance the Timber Yurt village and camping facilities. We have had incredible support from our Co.Stars Wiltshire Concrete and the trenches are now in place. Work is now beginning on the construction of the block itself and we can’t wait to share more news on this soon!

December 2022
We are working hard behind the scenes to progress on to the next major phase of the build!! We need to bury the powerlines that run across the site before we can progress to digging the lake! We are currently fundraising for this work. You can help us by donating towards this project here. In the meantime, we are also doing plenty of conservation work towards the woodlands that we will need! In December we planted 300 trees and have 400 coming to be planted in January (14th and 28th) along with some hedgerow plants. If you want to get involved or find out more please email Matt.

September 2022
The summer is always a busy time for us on site. However, as we focus our time and energies on the many many more children and groups on site it does slow work on the Adventure Base. We have just completed an exciting project in our woodland! To access our bush-craft copse and mature woodland previously we had to leave the site to cross the river. These wonderful new bridges will mean access is possible without leaving the site and make a fantastic walking loop through the copse.

May 2022
Putting the finishing touches on our outdoor eating extension has made a really wonderful space for our Summer groups to spill out in to. Complete with custom “marine” canvas covers for inclement weather, we can’t wait to see our groups making use of this amazing space.

April 2022
Well, its official! The Cosy Timber Yurt Village is now officially OPEN after our Opening Weekend Celebration. We cut the Ribbon (and the cake) and celebrated together God’s amazing provision. The extended outdoor dining area was finished in time for the celebration and will allow our larger summer groups space to spill outside in warmer weather to enjoy their meals.

March 2022
As the grass greens up around the yurts we continue to work fitting out the cabins with bunks. Our wonderful volunteers have been doing an amazing job. There has also been great progress adding an outdoor eating area to the catering cabin. We anticipate this will be a really popular addition. This month we are excited for the official opening of the yurt village at our Opening Weekend Celebration.
September 2021
Well done to the team and volunteers who got the outside of the ‘cosy timber yurt village’ treated just before the autumn rains. The groundwork is complete and the yurts are now very much in use with our ‘With Dad weekend’ enjoying their stay in mid September. Our over winter plans include lots of work on the copse of trees to improve their health.
August 2021
Our first guests stay in the yurts! Welcome to the young people on our Total Adventure Holidays who enjoyed using the yurts for the first time. Praise God everything came together just in time – we didn’t even need to use our back up plan of cardboard boxes in the windows, as one of our curtain making volunteers dropped off the curtains for the yurts just a couple of hours before despite no idea they would be used that week.