There are many ways you can support the build here at the Adventure Base!
We have a wonderful team of volunteers on site who are really essential to the work that we do here. Without our volunteers we would be completely stuck so a HUGE thank you to all of you who have spent time supporting us as a charity. We are really very grateful. There are lots of opportunities to get involved. We have one off supporters ritght through to volunteers on site weekly! There are regular conservation volunteer days throughout the cooler months. Cogges church run a regular monthly volunteer morning on the Second Sunday of each month where they come on to site and help with a variety of projects, and all are welcome, so it couldnt be easier to get involved!

Here are just a few ways you could help us out
- Gardening and landscaping
- Painting and decorating
- Making soft furnishings
- Electrics (for those qualified)
- Making bunks or woodworking
- Support our office team
- Conservation volunteering
If you are able to support the build in any of these ways by donating your time please contact us at
We are also grateful for any financial support towards the Adventure Base. If you would like to donate you can do so here.
Local businesses can support the build by becoming a Co.Star We are always in need of specific skills and services and if your local business would like to support us we would love to hear from you.
Interested? You can read more about the Co Star’s programme here.