Donate to Adventure Plus
Adventure should be affordable for every child
Our goal at Adventure Plus is education and inclusion.
We maintain a bursary fund with the goal that no child is excluded from Adventuring with us due to a lack of funds. Donate to A+ and help us to reach our goals. You can specify in your donation if there is a particular fund or use you wish to support.
Donate Funds
Your support could:
- help fund assisted places on an A+ event or holiday
- help us build the Adventure Base an affordable activity centre where the welcome will always be warm
- help us provide up-to-date kit to allow us to run our services efficiently and reliably and safely
Your donations will inspire and transform the lives of children and young people.
Make a donation via online banking (saves the charity up to 3% on fees compared to popular online services) to Adventure Plus, Account 43000894, Sort Code 60-24-60. Please notify us of your donation and sign a Gift Aid Form if not already completed.
If you would like to donate directly from your wage with payroll giving we can help you set that up. Please register your interest here.
The best way to donate is via online banking. It saves us up to 3% on fees compared to popular online services!
Account name | Adventure Plus |
Account number | 43000894 |
Sort code | 60-24-60 |
Gift Aid Form | Standing Order Form
£10 a month significantly affects the opportunities we can offer young people. Supporting us regularly enables us to plan and operate the charity effectively. Please print, complete and return our Standing Order Form.
Our CAF page is your route to quickly and easily make a donation to A+. CAF will help us by administering any Gift Aid portion on our behalf.
Monthly option
To give to A+ in general each month:
Text ‘APLUSMONTHLY 5’ to 70085 to give £5 a month.
(This costs £5 per month plus 2 std rate messages and to give more simply replace the 5 with a 10 or 20!)
One off giving
To give to the Adventure Base development:
Text ‘ABASE 5’ to 70085 to give £5.
(This costs £5 plus 1 std rate message and to give more simply replace the 5 with a 10 or 20!)
To give to Adventure Plus as a one off:
Text ‘APLUS 5’ to 70085 to give £5.
(This costs £5 plus 1 std rate message and to give more simply replace the 5 with a 10 or 20!)
Please send a cheque payable to Adventure Plus to:
Adventure Plus, Windmill Farm Conference Centre, Main Street, Clanfield, Oxfordshire, OX18 2SN.
If you haven’t already registered with us for Gift Aid, please download our Gift Aid Form and send it with your cheque.
Leave a Legacy in your Will
Transform a child’s life
You could have a powerful impact on thousands of young lives by leaving a gift in your will to Adventure Plus
Help us support and encourage the young people of tomorrow in the challenges that life has in store, as A+ continues to offer adventure and education in a positive Chrtistian environment, and sharing God’s love for generations to come…
Your gift will help to provide:
Exciting new adventure and education facilities for children and young people.
Assisted places so that lack of money is never a reason why children and young people cannot participate in A+ adventures
Core funding towards the ongoing work of A+ year by year
A general gift to be used where most needed in the continuing development of our work.
Become a Founding Friend of the Adventure Base
We are so thankful to have been able to purchase the land for the Adventure Base through the generosity of many ‘Friends’ of the Adventure Base.
Building of this exciting new facility is well underway and you can see progress reports here. The Adventure Base will enable A+ to double the number of young people we can reach each year and ensure there is always a warm welcome for them.
You can still become a Founding Friend of the Adventure Base by sponsoring the first phases of the build with a one-off donation of £1,000, or by supporting the project £50 per month for five years. A plaque with the names of the Friends of the Adventure Base will be displayed at the opening to thank you for your generosity in helping make this wonderful centre a reality.
Please send a cheque, make a bank transfer, or set up a Standing Order. Details on how to use these payment methods are given above.