Adventure Plus is here to give you a GREAT time. Have we succeeded?
Please tell us how we can improve our service, what you think we should keep and what we should change.
Please select the appropriate answer and add any other comments you want to pass on then…

…come back next year to see if we’ve succeeded!

Child on indoor climbing wall

Group Bookings Feedback

Feedback gathering form for Group Bookings

Group Name
A+ Event Leader
Please rate how you found the A+ Booking process.
Add any additional comments here


Please rate how you safe you felt the organisation of your event was
Please rate how you safe you felt the equipment was
Please rate how you found the leader's instructions and briefing.
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Please rate how good you felt the activities were
Were your activities the correct difficulty for your group
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The A+ Team

Please rate how you found our staff team
Please rate how you found our Leader
Add any additional comments here


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Please complete this section if Adventure Plus organised any residential aspects of your stay
If we provided talks for your event please feedback here.
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Would you book with Adventure Plus again?