Total Adventure Peak
for young people aged 12-17.
Monday 4th August – Friday 8th August 2025
Embark on an unforgettable adventure this summer at our Total Adventure Peak holiday. Step out of your comfort zone as you try new activities and forge lifelong friendships. Deepen your relationships and explore your faith in a supportive community. We offer a diverse range of adventure activities throughout the week, including canoeing, kayaking, archery, bushcraft, climbing, biking, and fencing!
The price for the week is £345 for residential or £275 for day visitors. Scampers £199 (for either Peak only or combined price for Beacon and Peak)
A discount is available for children with at least one parent in full-time Christian ministry. To apply for this code, please email
If you are booking siblings on to either Beacon or Peak (or a combination), you can use the code 15CCA+ at checkout to receive a 15% discount. Please note that discounts do not stack.
Are you ready for a unique adventure? Join our Scampers program, designed for Senior Campers aged 16-17, who play a vital role in running our programme. As a Scamper, you’ll enjoy the full range of activities at a reduced price. Experience the best of both worlds at Total Adventure Peak and Beacon – Book one get one free.
Please click here if you would like more information about coming as a Scamper.
To book, please use the link at the bottom of the page.
Are you curious about the rewarding experience of volunteering with us? Click here to discover the joy of making a difference in young lives while also enjoying the adventure activities and Christian environment. Already know you want to volunteer with us? Use the booking button at the bottom of the page — £75 / person covers food and board for the week. Please note our volunteers must be a minimum of 18 years old. Please register as a Scamper if you wish to help on camp and you are 16-17 years old.
Our bursary fund enables us to offer financially assisted places on our holidays. If you would like to apply for financial assistance, please click here.
If you want to donate to our bursary fund, please click here and help us to enable more children to attend these adventure holidays.
Transport to and from Witney
We offer local transport to and from Witney via minibus, available daily or at the beginning and end of the week for our residential campers. Our minibus will leave McDonald’s car park, Witney, at 8.40 am each morning and drop off at 5.25 pm for £7.50 per day or £30 for the whole week. You can book in advance on our booking page.
As a token of our appreciation for choosing Total Adventure Ascend, all our campers, scampers, and volunteers will receive a free Adventure Plus T-shirt for the holiday. This is not just a piece of clothing but a symbol of your participation in our adventure!
Please enter the size you require during the checkout. The design for 2025 is based on 1 John 1 v 7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin”.