So what about us? Who are we and what do we stand for?
Adventure Plus has been at the forefront of providing quality adventure activities to children for 30 years. Founded in 1990 by Jon and Tessa Cox, Adventure Plus provides adventure holidays, school residentials, DofE expeditions, Team Building and a host of other exciting events to inspire and encourage young people (and adults) in Oxfordshire and across the UK. If you want to read more about us as a charity pick up a copy of Jon Cox book Life to the Max.
Adventure Plus exists to help children and young people reach their potential and make positive life choices, whilst giving them a great time in the great outdoors!
We want to see young people embrace the adventures that life offers. We are passionate about helping them get active, push themselves and learn more about who they are and what they are capable of – all within the bigger perspective of the Christian faith, which is at the heart of what we do.
We do this primarily through:
Group Adventures Providing adventure activities for schools, youth groups, DofE, church weekends away and family groups.
Adventure Impact Our specialist unit working with children and young people, aged 8-21, who are vulnerable, disadvantaged or who have additional needs.
Total Adventure Holidays Residential holidays and day camps for individuals and groups of friends.
GAP: Adventure training and discipleship gap year and internship programmes.
Adventure Club, Climbing club and Canoe Club enable local young people to be involved on a weekly basis.
Our aim through all of our programmes is to leave the young people wanting more, so that they keep returning to A+ and can benefit from the long-term impact as relationships develop over years, and we are able to provide mentoring and encouragement right through their teens and into early adulthood.
Our Vision is to help you to “Realise your potential, through adventure and education, in a positive Christian environment.”